
Showing posts with the label why does my dog look up to the ceiling

Why Does My Dog Look Up To The Ceiling

If you noticed this behavior in your dog recently here are a few reasons why this is happening and how to go about fixing the problem. I had this happen. Ceiling Cat Strikes Again Funny Animal Pictures Cats Funny Animals Up until a couple days ago she slept with us then one night something spooked her i don t know what and. Why does my dog look up to the ceiling . Help the community out by answering them in our forum. They can look at where you point reading your intentions and also seem to be able to read your emotions when you re happy sad excited etc. This eye to eye bond lets your dog interact with you in a way that no other animal can. This is a question that we often get from sitters and owners who work with rover. My dog barney does that too usually with his head on one side. Other reasons why your dog is staring at the wall cognitive dysfunction syndrome and seizures are the more common medical reasons why dogs stare at walls but there are some other possibilities....