Why Are Loop Diuretics Called High Ceiling
Compared to other diuretics furosemide has high ceiling effect. This is a new term for me. Loop Diuretics Tusom Pharmwiki This is apparently considered a low bioavailability as far as loop diuretics go. Why are loop diuretics called high ceiling . Furosemide is a loop diuretic that inhibits the na k 2cl cotransporter in the ascending thick loop of henle. The group of high ceiling diuretics consists of a variety of chemically different potent diuretic and saluretic substances. So if you go above the ceiling dose no extra effect will be achieved. Diuretics are used. Furosemide decreases the sodium chloride and potassium reabsorption from the tubule. This is my interpretation of the ceiling dose of furosemide. Loop diuretics are the most powerful of all diuretics they termed high ceiling the loop diuretics drugs act primary on the thick segment of the ascending loop of henle inhibiting the transport of sodium chloride out of the tubule into the interstitial tissue by...