Ceiling Fan Works On Ac Or Dc
The information above will help you make a well informed decision. In most cases they use less energy up to 70 less than a standard ac fan. Advantages Of Ac Ceiling Fans And Advantages Of Dc Ceiling Fans Which Motor Type Is Best For Fitting Your Needs Ceiling Fan Ceiling Fan Motor Dc Ceiling Fan The resulting magnetic force produces the torque that turns the motor repeatedly. Ceiling fan works on ac or dc . The motor is a dc ceiling fan is smaller than ac ceiling fans with the smaller size meaning more stylish designs are available in dc it is common to find more modern and sleek designs in dc ceiling fan options than ac. Dc fans usually cost more while there are quite a few dc models on the market at the time of writing this most dc fans started at 300 and up. The specific type of dc motor used in ceiling fans is a brushless dc motor aka synchronous dc motor. Ac ceiling fans tend to be much cheaper when compared to dc ceiling fans. Dc ceiling fans are found to be much qui...